I have lived a life now for not too long but much to understand quite a lot of aspects of pain. Pain is not what we all think it is. Pain does not come from disasters we think will hurt us. Pain is not planned. To be clear, you cannot exactly expect yourself to know beforehand if a certain problematic situation or tragedy will sink you in pain.
People are usually called sensitive towards problems that often are not or might not be something most others react to with severe negativity. I would like to say something I tell my friends and people around me all the time. Everyone has their own meaning to any emotion. Not every lady falls for the charming, young man opposite their cubical at work. Not every man walks around seeking a female to take home for fun. So why must I get blamed for the happenings that bring me into tears and the ones which do not?
Emotion is not something that is necessarily felt with tears or laughs. I might cry if my grandfather talks about his last days but I might not the day he goes upstairs. You might fall in melancholy when your favorite singer gets injured. People will accuse you of being a dramatic, weak human, what not. But just maybe, this singer was the ‘unimportant’ reason you are still alive. The days you were almost more than half way out of your window or the days you possibly would not have gotten out of the bathroom sooner or even the days when suddenly the knife in your kitchen felt symbolic, his or her songs were there for you. The songs which contained words no other could sing better. The songs which made you smile just in one beat or melody, the songs which, word by word, sunk your heart into so many colorful feelings, that is something the accusers and criticizers will never understand.
It is our duty not to fight back the critics but imply, they are probably suffering pain as great as ours. As to defending their own heart, they have a tendency to torment others. Maybe, making others feel a little less satisfied with their life will help in making theirs’ better is what they inwardly think behind the shell of what we call innocence. Pain makes you stronger, the bigger it gets.‘You must not let pain get the better of you’ is a saying which has been heard quite a lot of times but never been clearly listened to.
For all the people suffering for whatever reason they feel, remember, this indifferent world is only testing you for your hardship and strength. Your hardship and strength is what lies deep beneath the feet of Pain that has grown stronger by time. Unleash it by walking over Pain that itself diligently awaits your defeat against him. On top of all, show the critics a good example of what they even are capable and of how they too can omit the anger and despite and indulge in joy once again.
Heartless Angel by Jason Covert
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