I realize that if I was a celebrity I’d be getting lots of hate mail for this one, but thank God I’m not! Viral hit, that is what the international culture of Transhumanism will evolve into over the next couple of months after it has become the central topic of bestselling author, Dan Brown’s new book, Inferno, which hit the racks just last month. Similar to the case of the Illuminati, a groundbreaking phenomenon, society will spend a large portion of their time addressing it, an issue that they fail to grasp in the first place… But what is transhumanism really?

I found the moral dilemma the author presented through the protagonists over whether or not transhumanism was to be implemented rather preposterous and the views of the side presented as villain rather sensible. Is transhumanism really a work of a group of fiends from hell or is it truly what is best for the challenging times to come? Before your brain escalates to a thought of, ‘Hell no, I don’t want my genes modified with’, let’s get some facts straight. As you can see in the sigmoid growth curve demonstrated in the graph below, the human race is currently at the point of exponential growth at its highest acceleration yet and it’s ever increasing. Soon enough we’ll have massacres over bread in Times Square and Champs Elysees and the death rates would go so high… and this is where Transhumanism comes in, dearest readers, the ultimate solution.
What if we had bodies that were modified to function just as good, or even better, with a fraction of the nutrients required? What if we became fast enough to ditch the car and go on foot everywhere? After all, we’re faster! There wouldn’t really be emission issues, would there? Would that be, as some parties claim, an abomination beyond proportion? Is this defiance of the deities that each of us conform to? When it come to science, where should we draw the line, or should we at all? I think not. This is just another step in evolution, it is not fast forwarding of the process. In fact, it is what’s natural. Isn’t transhumanism the result of our naturally ‘evolutionized’ minds? The debate between God and science that philosophers, scientists and preachers have been addressing since the brink of dawn is frustrating! God and science CAN co-exist, a point that Dan Brown has been trying to convey since his first novel in the Robert Langdon series, Angels and Demons. Every civilization that’s ever thrived had a God of knowledge or wisdom, be it the Egyptian, Greek, Rome or Hinduism. Spirituality and religion should push rather than hinder the borders of science. You may disagree with Transhumanism, but Apollo agrees.
After dabbling with a bit of HASH, Adam Ashraf's discovered he has become an addict. You can now read more of his random, outlandish musings on his column, Adam's Ecstasy, which will feature regularly on our blog. Disclaimer: All views expressed our entirely his own, and any wrath incited must strictly be directed at him. Write to him at adamashraf97@hotmail.com.
Though, beware, we fiercely defend out own!
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